On this occasion I would like to talk about whether will hair grow after stress. The solutions that this type of alopecia has and to talk in more detail and in depth in the following articles. In this article I explain how it is possible to grow hair lost due to stress
To understand why this type of fall occurs, I would first like to address the subject of the body’s metabolism. The body acts through a duality between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.
Stress hair loss grows back if you control this factor
Stress hair loss grows back if you control your nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is involved in different involuntary actions of the body. It is the main generator of adrenaline and noradrenaline, and is intended to put the body on alert in dangerous situations. Such as the need to flee in a dangerous situation, the need to fight , in general, all situations that may endanger the body, likewise it is also responsible for general sweating. In this type of situation, increasing the dilation of the pupils, increasing the heartbeat. In general, the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for alerting the body to defend itself.
Likewise, there is also the parasympathetic nervous system. Which is in charge of carrying out the opposite actions to the sympathetic nervous system. And is in charge of putting the body in a state of relaxation, decreases the frequency of the heart rate. Breathing becomes more slow when this system is more active or more dominant, the muscles relax. For example, when it’s time to sleep, this parasympathetic system comes into action. Or is the one that dominates more during that period of the day.
Grow hair lost due to stress by controlling the sympathetic nervous system
The answer is that if the sympathetic nervous system, which is the system that activates the body to be alert and defend itself, is very excited or is the one that dominates the most in the body. And also does so for a long time.
This will cause the body itself to go through very prolonged stress. For example, if the person is in a stressful time or where they have to be alert all the time, such as having a job that requires very long working hours, or a job that forces you to stay awake and not be able to fall asleep, family problems, etc.
All these situations will make your sympathetic nervous system activate even more and your body enters a state of very high stress. Making even your own body defend itself in this stressful situation. When the body is not balanced and one of the two nervous systems is dominated a lot, the same body prepares to defend itself. And then contracts, so to speak. You can have digestive problems, heart rhythm problems, and the same with the hair follicles of your body. These contract or stop giving priority to capillary blood irrigation to give priority to other areas of your body.

And then your hair starts to fall out. At first it can thin out and then it starts to fall out in a general way. It’s not like androgenic alopecia, which starts with receding hairlines, or alopecia areata that falls out in patches. Alopecia from stress is generalized and you could even see hair fall from other hair areas of your body.
How restore stress hair loss
The first thing that can be done is to control the situation that generates stress, avoid this type of situation as much as possible. Likewise, food can also help you achieve a less excited nervous system, including green juices, for example. Below in the description I leave you a link on how to prepare a green juice. And tell me in the comments if you want to know more about how to control the excited nervous system, since I will be able to publish more content that could be useful to you. Once the sympathetic nervous system is controlled, you will have taken the first step to grow the hair lost by stress.
And finally, after having controlled the situation that causes you stress, as well as adding a proper diet to calm the nervous system, only then can you apply minoxidil to recover lost hair. This type of treatment can last from 6 to 8 months on average.
Sleeping with minoxidil in your beard