Can minoxidil grow beard?
You may be if wondering really works Minoxidil for beard growth, and before you make a decision, I would like to tell you how minoxidil could help you get more beard, the way of application and the possible effects that you could introduce.
Before I tell you if you can consider using minoxidil on your beard, I would like to tell you what minoxidil is and its main function. Minoxidil emerged as a formula for the treatment of patients with high blood pressure. The dilator function of the compound, which allows better circulation of the bloodstream, was initially called antihypertensive.
Paradoxically, one of the “negative effects” of this oral treatment was hair growth in unwanted places. Over time, researchers looked at this effect as a possible solution to hair loss.
That was a very beneficial discovery for those suffering from alopecia or baldness, but what about facial hair? Do you want me to tell you if you can use minoxidil for beard growth? Let’s continue
There are no conclusive studies on the use of minoxidil for beards, but there are numerous testimonials on its effects. The majority of these testimonials affirm that minoxidil effectively makes beards grow where it was not felt before or where it scarce, but it is emphasized that it is not a miraculous matter, from one day to the next. It takes a lot of patience, around one to three months to grow a full beard. Patience so as not to despair and notice the difference when using minoxidil for beards, prudence to use the recommended doses, and consistency in the application so as not to lose the progress made.
How much minoxidil to apply on the beard?
Generally the application of minoxidil is twice a day, depending on the percentage used in the topical. In cases or places where there is already little hair, it can be once a day, usually 1 ml is specified. Minoxidil for beard growth is applied cutaneously and locally, in the area to be stimulated. It is always better not to exceed the suggested amount of 1ml every 12 hours, not because you apply more you will notice more results.

How long to apply minoxidil in beard?
The leave-in time for minoxidil is approximately 4 hours, and this is because it takes up to 4 hours for minoxidil to work on the skin before it dries completely. For both alopecia and beard, I do not recommend applying more cosmetics besides minoxidil, such as gel, spray, etc.. This is to make minoxidil work better.
When will I be able to start seeing results?
Minoxidil for beard growth can make you notice results from the first month of constant use. It is important to point out that not by using more than recommended, you will have better and faster results. The results can be very visible after 5 months of daily use of the product. The increase in the amount of facial hair and the stability of its growth will depend to some extent on the percentage of minoxidil present in the topical. For the increase in the thickness and the darkening of the hair, shaving helps.
What is Topical?
Minoxidil for beard growth is usually applied topically. A topical is a local application treatment (on the skin), for certain parts of the body that are affected, or that do not work properly. These treatments are generally based on balms, ointments, ointments or sprays. Thus, the topical function of beard minoxidil produces an increase in blood flow that travels to the hair follicles of the cheeks or chin, generating hair growth where it was scarce before.
What do you mean by percentages and which is the most suitable for the beard?
Minoxidil for beard growth can vary in percentage. The percentage refers to the amount of minoxidil present in a product. Being a chemical compound, its presence is reduced in the compound of a topical or product. There are treatments, solutions or hair products with 5%, 4%, 3%, and 2%. The most suitable amount of minoxidil for beard is 5%, although it can work at 2% or 4%.
As you can see, minoxidil can help you grow a beard in areas where you previously had no facial hair. Take into account that the changes are not quick and that they require an estimated usage time of 3 months. I will also talk about the effects on the skin in a future article.
If you want to know more about minoxidil for beard click on the following link: minoxidil for beard
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Emmanuel Hoffman